AMS Student Society of UBC

AMS Student Society of UBC: UBC’s Got Talent

Fri Jan 14 2011 8pm
Chan Shun Concert Hall

Presented by the AMS Student Society of UBC

UBC’s Got Talent is the first ever program that uses performing arts as a platform to inspire learning and interaction within five of the University’s communities.

Students, alumni, faculty, staff and residents will watch and showcase live performances from different cultures. This charity event will unite the UBC community under the magnificent roof of the Chan Centre and its proceeds will be donated to the United Way Campaign.

UBC President, Prof. Stephen Toope, and AMS President, Bijan Ahmadian, have vowed to sing a duet if the event sells out (1000+ tickets).

For more information visit:

Fri Jan 14 2011 8pm
Chan Shun Concert Hall