The Chan Centre wants our Summer camps to be a safe and fun experience for everyone. To ensure that everyone can enjoy the camps, Campers are expected to uphold the Camp Expectations at all times:
- Be Safe
- Follow rules given by Camp Staff and Volunteers
- Ask permission before using equipment or leaving the camp space
- Keep hands to selves
- Do not bring offensive items, weapons, or illicit, illegal, or banned substances to camp
- Maintain a nut-free environment
- Apply sunscreen before coming to camp
- Be Respectful
- Use kind and positive language towards yourself, Camp Staff, Volunteers, and other Campers
- Maintain a positive attitude and promote an inclusive environment in which differences are valued
- Respect equipment and supplies by following rules set out by Camp Staff
- Share equipment when needed
- There is absolutely no tolerance for emotional, physical, verbal, or sexual abuse, bullying, or harassment at UBC Chan Center Summer Programs. There is no tolerance for violent or physically aggressive behavior to Camp Staff, Volunteers, or other Campers.
If Campers do not follow the expectations listed above, then there may be one or more of the following:
- Suspension of privileges, including but not limited to equipment and technology usage, or free time during recess and/or lunch;
- Contact of parent(s)/guardians(s);
- Removal from Summer Program with or without monetary reimbursement
In the event that a Camper must be withdrawn from camp:
- Withdrawals made 10 days or more prior to the start of the camp = Full refund, minus a $25 cancellation fee.
- Withdrawals made 9 days or less prior to the start date of the camp = No refund will be provided.
Cancellation by The Chan Centre
- The UBC Chan Centre reserves the right to cancel programs due to low registration or other unforeseen circumstances. In such cases, participants will receive a full refund.
Campers must be signed in and out of camp by:
- Someone aged 16+ who is listed on the Camper’s emergency form as an Authorized Sign-Out Person
- Themselves, if aged 12 and authorized by the Parent/Guardian.Please note that a Parent/Guardian must accompany the Camper to sign-in on Day 1 of camp to allow us to verify information on file.
All people signing out a Camper must provide a piece of photo ID, with the exception of Campers signing out themselves and a sibling. Campers will not be signed out to:
- Anyone who cannot provide a photo ID that matches both themselves and the name of an Authorized Sign-Out Person on the Camper’s Emergency Form
- Anyone who cannot be otherwise verified as an Authorized Sign-Out Person
- Anyone who is, or reasonably suspected to be, intoxicated, dangerous, or otherwise unable to provide suitable care for a child
After completing registration, an additional Authorized Sign-Out Person can only be added by the parent/guardian by contacting our office at or in-person during the camp week.
Campers can be signed out from 3:45 – 4:00 PM. Please inform the Camp Staff in advance if your Camper will be signed out early.
Campers can be signed in starting at 8:50am. The doors to the camp space will not be open prior to these times to allow camp staff ample preparation time. If your Camper will be late, kindly call our Office at 604-822-2283 with their full name and estimated time of arrival.
The Chan Centre does not provide before or after-camp care. In the event of late sign-out, please call our Office at 604-822-2283 ASAP with your estimated time of arrival.
Campers are not permitted to leave the camp space alone under any circumstances.
- When outdoors, Campers will be escorted to the washroom or water fountain by a Camp Leader or Volunteer in groups of 2+. Leaders / Volunteers will not accompany Campers into the washroom, and will wait for the entire group to finish before returning to the camp space. At no time will a Leader / Volunteer be alone with a child.
- When indoors, Campers will take washroom / water breaks in groups of 2-3, with permission of a Camp Leader. Campers will wait for each other before returning to the camp space.
- Camp Staff and Volunteers will not assist Campers in washroom breaks. In the event of an accident, Camp Staff will provide assistance if necessary while maintaining the privacy and dignity of the Camper. In most cases, Camp Staff will make a phone call to a Parent/Guardian to provide fresh clothes.
Campers, Camp Staff and Volunteers are asked kindly not to attend camp if ill. Parents/Guardians of ill Campers are requested to please email or call the Camp Office ( or 604-822-2283) with the Camper’s full name and the estimated length of time they will be out of camp.
In addition, the following health and safety measures are in place:
- Frequent hand-washing
- Hand sanitizer available in all camp spaces
- Frequent sanitization of camp equipment, supplies, and spaces
Chan Centre camps are a nut-free environment. If your Camper has allergies or other medical concerns, this information should have been shared in the Medical Information Section of the registration form.
Please ensure your Camper carries their medication in a clearly marked bag, labelled with their full name. Campers are responsible for ensuring their medication is with them at all times, unless arrangements have been made with a Camp Leader to keep track of the medication at all times during the camp week.
Camp Staff are not trained medical professionals. They will only administer medication to Campers in emergency situations if the Medical Emergency Waiver has been signed.
Sun safety is important, especially in the Summer! We ask that all Campers apply sunscreen in the morning before coming to camp, and bring sunscreen with them for reapplication throughout the day. Camp Staff are not able to provide sunscreen to Campers due to hygiene and health safety reasons.
The Chan Centre strives to provide accessible, safe, and inclusive camps for all Campers. Camp Staff and Volunteers are trained with the basics of creating an inclusive classroom and making reasonable accommodations for Campers. This does not include providing consistent 1-1 support for Campers. If your Camper requires a 1-1 support worker:
- Support workers must be provided at your own expense from an external service
- Support workers must provide a copy of their CRC with Vulnerable Sector Screening, as they will be around other Campers
- Parents/Guardians are not permitted to act as support workers unless licensed through an accredited training / certification program
If your Camper has an exceptionality, including, but not limited to, autism, ADHD, OCD, ODD, or anxiety, you have the option of identifying via the Support Needs Form when registering. This form will help Camp Staff:
- Identify unique support needs of Campers
- Provide an inclusive environment to accommodate unique Campers
- Identify strategies to support individual Campers
In the event that the Chan Centre is unable to provide support for your Camper:
- If inability to provide support is identified prior to commencing camp, Camper will be withdrawn and Parent/Guardian will be offered a full refund.
- If reasonable accommodations have been attempted across 2 or more days, and the Camper is an ongoing risk to themselves or others, or otherwise detracting from the positive camp experience for others, they will be removed from camp for the week without refund:
- Campers and Parents/Guardians will be given up to 3 warnings, or 1 removal from a single day of camp (without refund) before a Camper is asked to leave for the remainder of the week
- The Camp Staff are willing to work with Campers and Parents/Guardians to make reasonable accommodations prior to asking a Camper to leave camp for the remainder of the week