- UBC School of Music
- UBC Bang! Festival
UBC Bang! Festival
where code and music meet
UBC Music students perform electroacoustic music using computer instruments and audio/video processes.
Students control these instruments and processes through gesture tracking of traditional instruments, dance, piano or string performance, or by using webcams, Kinects, Wiis, accelerometers, game controls, custom circuits, Arduinos, iPhones, iPads, or other tablets. Student presentations are for their Minor in Applied Music Technology.
Noon: MUSC 320: students present electroacoustic works with audio/video processes.
2:00pm: MUSC 420: Capstone presentations. Student performers and dancers control audio/video/lighting processes using custom-written software
7:30pm: MUSC 419 (Laptop Orchestra): student performers and dancers control audio/video/lighting processes using custom-written software