Chan Centre Connects

Film Screening: Heart of a Dog

Thu Apr 12 2018 7pm
The Cinematheque (1131 Howe St)

Presented by the Chan Centre in partnership with The Cinematheque

Initially approached to create a film about her “philosophy of life”, visionary multimedia artist Laurie Anderson tells a dreamlike tale of loss and love, primarily starring her beloved rat terrier, Lolabelle.

Narrated by Anderson and dedicated to her late husband Lou Reed, the documentary muses about trauma and grief, relationships with loved ones, and the fragility of life—all with a poetic, rather sublime intonation.

Super 8 footage as well as original art and animation are interspersed throughout Anderson’s profound yet relatable series of thoughts.

This screening of Heart of a Dog is presented in conjunction with Laurie Anderson: All the Things I Lost in the Flood at the Chan Centre on Monday, April 23 at 8:00 pm.

“I tried to make a film about things that are very sad, but with a lot of joy.”
Laurie Anderson
Thu Apr 12 2018 7pm
The Cinematheque (1131 Howe St)