UBC A Cappella

Lilo & Pitch

Sun Mar 31 2019 3pm
Chan Shun Concert Hall

Presented by UBC A Cappella

UBC A Cappella is a student-operated club which has been performing for the UBC community for over 10 years. Every week, students of many different backgrounds take time out of their busy schedules to come together over a love of singing. The songs they sing, arranged for a cappella by the club’s own members, vary widely in genre, from pop to indie to hip-hop. This year, for the first time at the Chan Centre, UBC A Cappella is proud to present our spring concert: Lilo & Pitch! With performances from seven groups comprising a total of over 150 singers, you are invited to join this celebration of the human voice and share a love of music.

Featuring performances from:

Fast & Forte
The Undeclared Majors
Choral Reef
The Northwest Collective
The Unaccompanied Minors
Eh? Cappella


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ubc.acappella/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/UBCacappella


Sun Mar 31 2019 3pm
Chan Shun Concert Hall