- Chan Centre EXP
- Nils Frahm
Nils Frahm
Nils Frahm debuts his new album, Music For Animals, on September 23, 2022. His first fresh studio material since 2018’s All Melody and 2019’s associated All Encores, this is his first full length album of brand-new music for LEITER, the label he co-founded with his manager, Felix Grimm. Containing ten tracks and clocking in at over three hours long, it’s an ambitious and compelling set different to anything Frahm’s released to date. No piano is to be found on this release, but it retains many of the qualities that have set the influential musician’s work apart over much of the last two decades. Unfolding at an unhurried, meditative pace in a celebration of tone, timbre, and texture – and thus of sound itself – Music For Animals offers a hyper-immersive experience.
Co-presented with Timbre Concerts